Addiction Recovery Resources and Information
If you or someone you care about is struggling with a behavioral, alcohol, or drug addiction, good information can be one of your best supports in the journey to treatment and recovery. You might be struggling with addictive behavior and need help determining if you should seek treatment. Or maybe you know you need help, and want to find out what the treatment and recovery process might look like.
Even if you're not personally experiencing addiction, you may need information on how to help yourself or your loved one through their addictive behavior, alcoholism, or drug dependence. From detecting signs of addiction to learning about codependence and enabling to getting advice on how to care for yourself during times of crisis—dependable information can be a great ally in your journey toward helping a friend or family member recover.
You can even find information about how other conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder can, cause, result from, and co-occur with addiction. Having a better understanding of the causes and side effects of substance abuse and compulsive behavior can help you move toward recovery by helping you navigate the often complicated path that leads to and from addiction.
Educating yourself is a foundational part of working toward recovery, so take the opportunity to learn more right now.