Addiction & Treatment Information
Is Alcoholism, Drug Abuse or Another Addiction Affecting You or Your Family?
You don't have to face your struggle with addiction alone. Good help is available.
You are worthy of a life without drugs, drinking, gambling, or other obsessive behavior. Picture a brighter future for yourself, and know that recovery from substance-use disorder or another type of addiction is truly possible.
With safe and caring treatment, it can all get better. You can find freedom.
Maybe you're not sure if you have a problem and want to learn more. Maybe you know you need help, and are ready to learn about your treatment options. Or, maybe you'd like to help somebody you care about get well. Either way, proven solutions are readily accessible. Many effective and comfortable treatment programs exist. They offer compassion, expert medical care, and restorative environments with staff who know how to best help people achieve recovery. can help you explore information that you can trust so that you can learn more about your options for recovering from substance or behavioral addiction.